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SUN Guangsheng

Date: 2016-12-07    Source: 

SUN Guangsheng ,associate professor

Research AreaProductivity estimate, Industrial economics, Environmental and nature resource economics

Published Papers

[1]Sun Guangsheng. Economic and Industrial Fluctuations (1986-2003): A Preliminary Study of Correlation, Features and Driving Forces. Social Sciences in China, 2006(3), 62-73.

[2]Sun Guangsheng, Huang Yi, Tian Haifeng and Wang Fengping. Total Factor Productivity, Inputs Substitution and Regional Energy Efficiency Disparity. Economic Research, 2012(9), 99-112. [3]Sun Guangsheng, Xiang Tao and Huang Yi. Efficiency, Output and Energy Consumption: A Comparative Analysis Based on China Industries. China Economic Quarterly, 2012(10), 253-268

[4] Sun Guangsheng and Tian Haifeng. Environmental Governance Facing Supply Chain: Organization Forms Based on Transaction Cost Theory. China Industrial Economy, 2006(11), 60-67.

[5]Sun Guangsheng, Feng Zongxian, Xue Weixian and Mu Jifeng. Environmental Economy Input-Output Pollution Gradient Field Analysis. Quantitative and Technica Economics, 2003(3), 98-102.

[6]Sun Guangsheng, Yang Xianming and Huang Yi. Industrial Energy Efficiency in China(1987-2005): Trend, Conservation Potential and Influential Factors. China Soft Science, 2011(11), 29-39.

[7]Sun Guangsheng. Theory, Evidence and Policies on Energy-Efficiency Gap: Analysis Based on Literature. Review of Public Sector Economics, 2011(2), 125-141.

 [8]Sun Guangsheng. Environmental and trade Dispute Settlement Mechanism Under GATT/WTO. Modern Economic Science, 2001(1), 45-50.

[9]Sun Guangsheng and Wang Yan. Microscopic Organizational Modes of Cyclic Economy: An Analysis Based on Supply Chain. Journal of Northeastern University(Social Science), 2007(1), 30-34.

[10]Sun Guangsheng and Feng Zongxian. The pricing analysis of Water in Xi'an's Progress. City Planning Review, 2001(5), 60-64.

[11]Sun Guangsheng, Feng Zongxian and Zeng Fanyin. The Applicaiton of DEA Method on the Judgment of Regional Industrial Production Environmental Efficiency. Journal of Anhui Normal University(Natural Science),2003(2), 112-116.

[12]Sun Guangsheng and Feng Zongxian. Options of Price-Fixing Patterns of the Urban Water Supply System. Science & Technology, 2001(6), 58-60.

[13],Sun Guangsheng. The Environmental Governance based on Supply Chain. Metallurgy Economy and management. 2006(4), 34-37.


Sun Guangsheng. Research on the Theory and Policy of Developing Circular Economy: Analysis From the Perspective of Industrial Chain. Economy and Management Press. 2003

Academic honors

[1] 2013 outstanding talents in the new century of the Ministry of Education.

[2] Anonymous reviewer of academic journals, such as "Economic research", " China Industrial Economy ",  '' China Industrial Economy "
