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GUO Xiaoling

Date: 2021-06-08    Source: 

Guo Xiaoling, lecturer, Economics.




Industrial Organization and Industrial Economics

(1) Economics of Innovation

(2) Vertical Restraints Regulation and Antitrust Policy

(3) Relevant Market Definition and Internet Bilateral Platform



1. Guo X. L., Li K.. Buyer's Market Power, Product Market Competition and Enterprise's R&D Investment [J]. Forthcoming in Science Research Management.

2. Guo X. L., Li K.. Market Power, Asset Specificity and R&D Investment: An Empirical Study Based on Two Dimensions of Seller and Buyer [J]. Science & Technology Progress and Policy, 2019, (20): 85-97.

3. Li K., Guo X. L.. A Literature Review about the Relationship between Buyer Power and Upstream Technological Innovation Based on Vertical Perspective[J]. Science Research Management, 2019,(4): 154-163.

4. Guo X. L., Li K.. Supply Chain Concentration, Market Competition Status and R&D Investment—— Research from Horizontal and Vertical Perspectives[J]. Industrial Economic Review, 2019, 10(2): 6-19.

5. Guo X. L., Li K., Nong B.. Impact of Buyer’s Market Power on Innovation Incentives of Product Quality in Downstream Enterprises [J]. Journal of Northeastern University, 2019, 40(8): 1197-1204.

6. Guo X. L., Li K., Meng Y M.. Research on Vertical Integration and Innovation Incentives based on Different Market Foreclosure Strategies[J]. Journal of Industrial Technological Economics, 2019,(2): 3-12.

7. Li K., Guo X. L.. The Research on Buyer Power and Upstream Innovation Decision from the Perspective of Retails Scale Difference [J]. Journal of Northeastern University, 2019, 40(1): 132-137.(corresponding author)

8. Guo X. L., Li K., Feng D.. Market Power, Technological Innovation and Price Discrimination[J]. Journal of Industrial Technological Economics, 2018,(9): 3-10.

9. Li K., Guo X. L.. A Literature on the Vertical Integration Strategy of

Industry Chain [J]. Industrial Economic Review, 2017, 8(45): 81-95.

10. Guo X. L., Li K.. A Study on the Low Carbon Economy Efficiency of Coal Companies and Its Influencing Factors [J]. Ecological Economy, 2017, 10(33): 69-75.



1. An empirical study on the identification, mechanism and effect of vertical control strategy. Supported by NNSF (Grant No. 71873026), Principal: Kai Li, 2018-2021. (One of the main participants)

2. Research on the Vertical Control Mechanism of the Industrial Chain Under the Background of the Countervailing Power. Supported by NNSF (Grant No. 71472032), Principal: Kai Li, 2015-2018. (One of the main participants)

3. The Formation Mechanism and Influence of Buyer's Countervailing Power in the Context of Consumer Preference. Supported by NNSF (Grant No. 71172150), Principal: Kai Li, 2011-2015. (One of the main participants)