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Date: 2021-06-08    Source: 

Lecturer, Department of Industrial Economics

Research Area:

Environmental Regulation and  Sustainable Development

Education:, Industrial economics, Nankai University, School of economics(09/2016-06/2019)

Masters degree, Econometrics, Nankai University, School of economics( 09/2014-06/2016)

Bachelor’s degree, Economics, Nankai University, School of economics(09/2010-06/2014)

Research Achievements:

The reexamination of the endogenous nature of the government's environmental regulation,[J] China Population, Resources and Environment, 2017,27(12):70-78.

Does Public Environmental Expenditure Helps to Achieve an Economic and Environmental Win-win Situation?[J] Journal of Zhongnan University of Economics and Law, 2018(01):95-103.

Does Environmental Punishment Detern and Remedy the Corporate Irregularities?—Based on the Analysis of National Key Monitoring Enterprises [J] Research on Economics and Management,2019,40(7):102-115.