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CAO Lihua

Date: 2016-12-13    Source: 

CAO Lihua, Professor, Dean of Sunwah International Business School ,Liaoning University


Research field: translation practice and theory/ comparative study between Chinese and English culture/ English literature/ cross-cultural communication




Chinese-English Bilingual Series on World Culture
2010, China Machine Press,Beijing


The Profiles of A-List World Movie Stars

2010, China Machine Press,Beijing


Chinese Brocade

2011, Central Compilation & Translation Press, Beijing, China
 ( Project of Protecting and Salvaging Chinese Intangible Cultural Heritage)


On the Translation of Chinese Tourist Texts from the Perspective of Skopos Theory--A Case Study of Liaoning Province
2013, Journal of Liaoning University


College Golden Brick English

2012, University of International Business and Economics Press, Beijing


On the Translation Errors of the Tourist Texts of Chinese Gardens
2014, Journal of Shenyang Normal University, Shenyang

On the Translation of  the Public Signs at Tourist Attractions from the Perspective of Skopos Theory

2015, Journal of Shenyang Normal University, Shenyang


Abraham Lincoln

2015, Harbin Publishing House, Harbin

