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CUI Haifeng

Date: 2016-12-13    Source: 

CUI Haifeng, is the doctor of literature, the professor of literature in Liaoning University. He gradually graduated from the department of Philosophy in Fudan University (1986),the department of Philosophy in Peking University (1991), and the department of Chinese Literature in Beijing Normal University (2001), and he also did researches in postdoctoral research station located in Yangzhou University(2004-2006). 

   He has long been engaged in literary theory teaching and researching, and his research interests include the ancient Chinese literary theory. The main research achievements are as follows,

    1. Haifeng Cui,“Category of Poetics of Wang Fuzhi”,Peking: China Social Sciences Publishing House,2006 

    2. Haifeng Cui,“Thoughts on the draft of Wang Fuzhi”,Peking:China Social Sciences Publishing House,2012 

   3. Haifeng Cui,“The Study of Poetic Thought of Wang Fuzhi”,Hua-Mu-Lan Culture Pubishing Company,2015

   4. National Social Science Fund Project:The study of Wang Fuzhi and the Literary Trend of Ming Dynasty

