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TANG Houguang

Date: 2016-12-13    Source: 

TANG Houguang is a professor and Chair of Linguistics Department at School of Arts, Liaoning University. He is also Deputy chairman of Liaoning Linguistics Association, Chairman of sub-Committee of Liaoning Rhetoric Society, Member of Rhetoric Society of China and Dissertation Assessment Expert of Academic Degree Committee of Ministry of Education.

    The research interests include Logic, Rhetoric, Lexicology of Contemporary Chinese, Contemporary Semantics, etc. The main research achievements are as follows,

1.Exploration on Dynamic of Adjectives Following by Auxiliary Words, Journal of Jinzhou Normal College, 1985 (2)

2.Discussion on Two Questions of ‘Modern Chinese’ with the Author, Journal of Yingkou Normal College, 1986 (2)

3.Discussion on Attributive of Modifier of Proper Noun, Journal of Liaoning Normal University Supplement, 1988

4.Re-analysis of Word Class of ‘You’, Journal of Liaoning Normal University Supplement, 1988

5.My View on Rule of Contra-quality, Journal of Yingkou Normal College, 1991 (1)

6.Solving the Problems Associated with Hypothetical Judgment Based on Features of Logic, Journal of Yingkou Normal College,1995 (3) (4)

7.Analysis on ‘x Buru y w’, Journal of Yingkou Normal College,1996 (3) (4)

8.Features on Comparison Value of ‘Buru’ Structure, Chinese Language Monthly, 1997 (7)

9.Research of ‘Buru’ Structure, Journal of Jinzhou Normal College, 1997 (2)

10.Discussion on when Copulative Verb ‘Shi’ Emerged, Journal of Yingkou Normal College, 1997 (1)

11.Correction on National Self-taught Higher Education Logic Examination, Journal of Liaoning Normal College, 1999 (2)

12.Thinking on Orientation of Normal College Journal, Journal of Liaoning Normal College, 1999 (4)

13.Deviance and Reason-Language Skills Beyond the Principle of Identity, Rhetoric Learning, 2003 (3)

14.A New Form of Inference-Hypothetical Judgement of Deformation Inference, Journal of Shenyang Normal University, 2003 (3)

15.Re-discussion on Rule of Contra-quality, Journal of Liaoning Normal College, 2003 (1)

16.Effects of Surpassing Rule of Identity in Language Expression, Theory Circle,2005 (8)

17.Continuous Negative Sentence and Hypothetical Judgment, Journal of Liaoning University, 2006 (2)

18.Exploration of Word Class of ‘Dao’,  Theory Circle,2010 (2) (The second author)

19.Review and Thinking on Rhetoric Rules Research of 20th Century, Social Science Journal, 2011 (5)

20.ZengGuofan’s Literary and Psychological Theory and its Revelation for the Contemporary Literature, Culture Journal, 2012 (4)

21.Research on ZengGuofan’s Psychological Theory, Journal of Liaoning Educational Administration Institute, 2012 (4)

22.Foundation of Theory and Practice of Rhetoric Rules, Social Science Journal, 2013 (5) 

23.Thinking on Several Questions about Morpheme Identification, Journal of Changchun University, 2015 (9) 

24.Presupposition and Deviation of ‘Bei’ Structure, Studies in Language and Linguistics, 2016 (3) (The second author)

25.A Series of Guide Bibliography for College students-An Introduction of Linguistics and Contemporary Chinese, Liaoning Nationalities Publishing House, 1993 (Chief editor)

26.Exploration of Language and Logic, Liaoning People's Publishing House, 2003

27.Innovation Education and Researching Studies, China Social Press, 2004 (Chief editor)

28.Culture Restoration of Chinese Theoretical Linguistics, Shenyang Publishing House, 2006 (The third author)

29.Basic Knowledge of Logic, HeiLongjiang University Press, 2017(Chief editor)

Research Projects:

1.Research on Curriculum, Syllabus and Teaching Material for Primary School Teachers with College Degree, supported by Education Bureau, Completed and applied at all Normal Colleges in Liaoning Province in 2002. (Deputy)

2.Research on Psychological Tests for Educator of 21st Century, supported by Education Bureau. (Participant)

3.Research on Psychological Tests and Strategies for Urban Laid-off Workers’ Re-employment, supported by Social Science Foundation of Liaoning Province, Completed in 2005. (Major Participant)

4.Research on Tongcheng’s Psychological Theory, supported by Major Project of Social Science Foundation of Anhui Province, Completed in 2008. (Major Participant)

5.Formation and development of Liaoning Accent, supported by Development of Economy and Society of Liaoning Province, Completed in 2011. (First Participant)

6.New Field of Rhetoric-Research on Rhetoric Rules, supported by Social Science Foundation of Liaoning Province, In progress. (Leader)


1.Exploration on Dynamic of Adjectives Following by Auxiliary Words won the second place in Jinzhou Academic Achievements Awards.

2.Discussion on Attributive of Modifier of Proper Noun won Excellent Thesis Awards of Liaoning Linguistics Association. 

3.Research of ‘Buru’ Structure won Excellent Thesis Awards of Liaoning Linguistics Association.

4.Exploration of Language and Logic won the second place in Liaoning Philosophy and Social Sciences Awards in 2005.

5.Culture Restoration of Chinese Theoretical Linguistics won the first place in Excellent Books Awards of Liaoning Press and Publication Bureau in 2007.


   Tel: 18004023366