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WANG Yinfeng

Date: 2016-12-13    Source: 

 WANG Yinfeng,a associate professor of college of liberal arts,Liaoning university,2001 in huaibei normal university department of history,a bachelor's degree in history,in 2004 and 2007 jilin university awarded a master's degree and doctorate in literature history.

    The research interests include phonology and Chinese history,The main research achievements are as follows,

    1.Yinfeng Wang,Phonetic study "yuan rhyme spectrum" and the Ming and qing dynasties, China social sciences press, 2016.

    2.Yinfeng Wang,North Korea outside views yan in qing dynasty Chinese exercise cognition and perception, hubei social sciences, 2015, 7.115-119

    3.Yinfeng Wang,North Korea toward yan to exercise in the eyes of manchu, manchu research 2014, 2.24-28


    Tel: 86-024-62602163