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SUN Guizhi

Date: 2020-07-07    Source: 

 Sun Guizhi, female, born in April 1977. Associate professor, Doctoral candidate. And she graduated from liberal arts college of Shandong University in July 2014 . Her main researches fields are Literary theory, Feminist Literary Criticism and Cultural research. The representative articles are these:            

1Dissertation for Doctoral DegreeThe Research on the Feminist Narratology Theory of Robyn R. Warhol.2014(6)           

2,The marriage of narratology and Feminist Literary Criticism -- Robin Warhol's "the unnarratable events",Published in literary and artistic contention 2014(3).           

3, on the point of riew of in Susan s.lancer feminist narrative.Published in journal of northeast n Normal University,  2013(6).

4,On Robin Warhol's narrative intervention.Published in Seeker, 2014(2).