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ZHANG Zongyan

Date: 2016-12-07    Source: 

ZHANG Zongyan, an associate professor at School of Philosophy and Public Administration, Liaoning University, received her PhD from Jilin University, China. Her research interests include Metaphysics and German Classical Philosophy. The main research achievements are as follows,


1.        Zhang Zongyan. The Logic and Significance of Anti-subjectivity in Post-modern Philosophy. Journal of Changchun Normal University, No.11, 2014:32-34.

2.        Zhang Zongyan. Intellectual Category and Speculative Concept. Philosophical Researches, No.12, 2014:75-80.

3.        Zhang Zongyan. The Metaphysical Nature of Speculation Concept. Social Science Front, No.11, 2014:8-12.

4.        Zhang Zongyan. Truth of Concept in Speculative Logic. Tianjin Social Sciences, No.1, 2012:40-42.


Phone: (86) 186-2400-2958
