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QI Dongzhi

Date: 2016-12-07    Source: 

QI Dongzhi, a professor at School of Philosophy and Public Administration, Liaoning University. His research interests include Philosophy of Science and Zhouyi Studies. The main research achievements are as follows,


1.        Qi Dongzhi. The theory of Roudong technology and innovation tension of scientific construction——new technology model of fluid machinery on the lay of “the gene” transformation and the application forecast. Frontier Science, No. 2, 2007:77-89.

2.        Li Hongzhi, Qi Dongzhi. The Problem of Motive System of Modern Scientific and Technologic Progress in China. Studies In Dialectics of Nature, No.10, 2002:5-8.

3.        Qi Dongzhi. Between Ontology & Theory of Inter Phenomena: The Interpretation about Heterogeneity of the Language Structure between Chinese & Western Philosophy. Journal of Nanjing University of Science and Technology, No. 4, 2002:5-16.


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