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WANG Guotan

Date: 2016-12-07    Source: 

WANG Guotan , a Professor at the Faculty of Philosophy, School of Philosophy and Public Administration, Liaoning University. His Ph.D, obtained at 2003 in Marx’s Philosophy at Institute of Philosophy and Social, Jilin University. He shoulders the Dean of School of Philosophy and Public Administration, his social appointments includes the vice chairman of Chinese Applied Philosophy, secretary of Liaoning Association of Philosophy.

His primary area of research is the philosophy of Marx and with an emphasis on his Sensibility Theory, his research experienced from Innovation of Marx’s Philosophy to the Problem of Marxist Philosophy System: 1. His main heads in research of Innovation of Marx’s philosophy includes: Marx’s philosophy-revolution is based on realizing the transcendence of sensibility theory; living sensibility is the dynamic principle of epistemology; The core of human liberation is labour liberation; labor is the subject of Marx’s philosophy; Communism is both Marx’s philosophy worldview and his values; Communism value is the measure value of Marx’s criticism of the capitalism. 2. His main ideas in research of Marxist Philosophy System includes: the Self-relation of human being is both the starting point of Marx's philosophy system and the basic principle of Marx dialectics; the key of Marx’s materialism does not depend on matter-base whether or not, but on the comprehension of human and nature from sensible activity and social relations.

The main scientific research achievements are as follows:

1. Monograph: The Transcendence of Sensibility: the Revolution of Marx’s Philosophy, 2005;Marx’s transcendence and reconstruction of the traditional thought of Sensibility, 2012; What is Philosophy, 2016.

2. Representative papers:

“The innovation of Marx’s philosophical View: From natural attitude to historical attitude”, 2003; “Transcendence of Sensibility”, 2006; “Reflection on encounter of sensibility”, 2006; “Induction of the labor theme in Marx’s philosophy”, 2006; “The logical progress of Marxist Philosophy in the resent 30 years”, 2008; “Reconciliation between human and nature on the base of practice”, 2009; “Seek truth from Facts: a study of methodology of Marx’s philosophy”,2012; “Returning To the sensible activities themselves”, 2012; “Deeper understanding the category of World-view in Marxism”,2012; “On the basic principles of Marxist Philosophy”, 2014; “Finding New-World from criticizing Old-World: study on Methodology of Marx’s philosophy”, 2014; “Tentatively analyzing Marx’s value of Communism”, 2014.

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