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JIN Gang

Date: 2020-07-11    Source: 

 Professor and PhD supervisor of School of Public Management, Liaoning University. 



²  PhD in Economics: Liaoning University

²  Postdoctoral fellow: Institute of World Economics and Politics, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences

²  Visiting scholar, Department of Economics of Indiana State University

²  Council member of Labor and Social Security Society Association of Liaoning.



His major research interest is in the field of social insurance and population economics. He has been devoting himself to the empirical studies in Chinese social insurance, with specific topics on   actuarial simulation of China's social pension fund income and expenditure, the pension transition costs, state-owned equity-based social security system, life expectancy extension model and its savings effect, and consequently contributing many innovative ideas to the research of this field.



Professor Jin has published many papers in journals such as "Chinese Population Science" and "Financial Research" and published three academic books. He has hosted two projects supported by National Social Science Foundation and two projects from Foundation of Social Science and Humanity, China Ministry of Education. He has completed several key projects supported by Liaoning of Social Science Fund and Financial Research Fund. He has also participated in two Major Programs of National Social Science Fund as a sub-project leader.