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Date: 2020-07-14    Source: 


Associate Professor of Economics

Research on Welfare and Resources Allocation

Population Institution, Liaoning University,

66 Mid Chongshan Road, Huanggu District,

Shenyang City, Liaoning Province, P. R. China.                

Postcode: 110036

Email: melodyldwy@163.com  yuewang@lnu.edu.cn  



Ph.D. in Population, Resources and Environment Economics, Liaoning University, China, 2012


Work Experience

January 2019- present, Dean of MSW Education Center of Liaoning University

 August 2013 – present, Associate Professor of Population Institution of Liaoning University,

 May 2014 – present, Associate Dean of Population, Resources and Environment Institution of Liaoning University

 November 2013 - present, Member of Theoretical Economics Postdoctoral Research Station of Liaoning University, China

 January 2006 – November 2015, Director of Population Institution of Liaoning University

 July 2003 – December 2005, Assistant Researcher in Population Institution of Liaoning University


Social Work

Member of Chinese Association of Social Work Education(June 2014)

Member of Chinese Academy of Social Security (March 2015)

Member of Liaoning Academy of Demography (June 2015)

Expert Data Member of Liaoning Labor and Human Resources (June 2013)


Courses Delivered

Social and Economic Research Methods

Postgraduate level, taught in English


Economics of the Welfare State    

Postgraduate level, taught in English


Economics of Population, Resource and Environment

Postgraduate level


Social Welfare Thought and System

Postgraduate level


Social Security Act

Postgraduate level


Theory and Practice of Social Security

Postgraduate level


Community Social Work and Aged Care

Postgraduate level, taught in English


Generalist Case Management

Postgraduate level


Group Social work practice

     -   Postgraduate level



July 2012, Report “Research on the Population and Employment issues during the Revitalization of Northeast Old industrial Base” won the First Prize of “Natural Science Research Award of Liaoning Province”

 July 2010, Report “Research on Adjusted Index of Pension” won the First Prize of “Natural Science Research Award of Liaoning Province”

 July 2012, Report “Research on Chinese Urban and Rural Wide Social Security System” won the Third Prize of Natural Science Research Award of Liaoning Province”

 December 2015, Report “Analysis on the Adjustment of Pension Contribute Rate, Take Liaoning as Example” won the Third Prize of Natural Science Research Award of Liaoning Province”

 April 2010, Report “Research on the Developmental Strategy of Talented Person in Modern Service Industry” won the First Prize of Liaoning Development and Reform Commission

 July 2010, Report “Aging Population and Adjustment of Modern Service of Liaoning” won the Second Prize of Liaoning Sociological Association

 June 2013, First Prize of Excellent Paper of Liaoning Statistics Academy


Research Interests

Population Economics

Population Urbanization and Economic Growth

Population Aging and Age Structure

International Comparison on Sex Structure and Fertility

Welfare Economics

Social Security and Income Distribution

Poor and Social Assistant

International Comparison of Thoughts and System of Welfare State

Social Work and Welfare Assistant

Resource and Environment Economics

Assessment and Pricing of Natural Resources

Atmospheric Environment and Environmental Protection of Habitant

Assessment of Environment Economics and Protection Policy

Industrial Economics

Population Aging and Modern Service Policy

Matching Degree of Industrial Structure and Employment Structure


Published Papers

Wang Yue, and Xi Chen. "Research on Effect of  the Adjustment of Wage Statistics Caliber on Reducing Pension Contribution’s Room." Journal of Hebei University((Philosophy and Social Science),no.4( July,2018).

Wang  Yue, and Fangyu Du . "Research on the Difference of Rural Girls and Non Girl Family Expectations For Their Children——Take Liaoning Province As an Example". south  Population China, no. 5(October 2016).

 Wang  Yue, and Dan Wang. “International Comparison of Asian Women’s Income Influence the Fertility Rate.” Northwest Population, no. 1 (January 2016).

 Wang  Yue, and Zhenzhen Wang." Study on the Ecological Compensation Policy of the Water Conservation District—A Case of the Dahuofang Reservoir" Journal of Liaoning University (Philosophy and Social Science),no. 5 (September 2016)

 Wang Yue, and Maoxian Ren. “Research on the Rural Left-behind Women's Rights Protection Interfered by Social Work, Taking Shangdong Province Dongming country as Example.” Social Work and Management, no. 2 (February 2015).

 Wang Yue and Qin rui Liu and Jingna Liu. “Experience and Reference of Japanese Social Security Reform”. Population and Development, no. 6 (June 2012).

 Wang  Yue and Limin Song and Qingrui Liu. “Fertility Decision-making Model and Empirical Analysis on Chinese Rural Households.” Population Journal, no. 1 (January 2012).

 Wang Yue, and Dan Wang. “Grey Correlation Analysis on the Fiscal Spending to Local Economy.” Marketing Research, no. 9 (September 2015).

 Wang  Yue, and Yinghui Ning. “Reasonable Path to NGO and Home Care.” Economic Research Guide, no. 9 (September 2014).

 Wang  Yue, “Social Security Integration in Northeast Old Industrial Base.” China Labor, no.12 (December 2008)

 Wang Yue. “The Effect of Pension Replacement Rate on Economic Growth-a Theoretical Model”, China-USA Business Review2007.6

 Wang Yue and Qingrui Liu and Jianhua Liu. “Thoughts and Countermeasures on the Establishment of the Social Security System Covering Urban and Rural Residents.” Journal of Liaoning University (Philosophy and Social Science), no. 1 (January 2008).

 Wang  Yue. “System Design and Supply - Demand Forecasting on the Social Security System for the Disabled.” Journal of Liaoning Technical University(Social Science Edition), no. 3 (March 2010).

 Wang Yue and Chengxin Wang. “Research on the Talented Development Strategy of Modern Service in Liaoning Province.” Journal of Liaoning Technical University(Social Science n), no. 4 (April 2008).

 Wang Yue and Qianwei Weng. “Population Quality and the Evaluation Index System.” Journal of Liaoning Technical University(Social Science), no. 2 (February 2011).


Book Chapters

Wang, Yue. “Research on the Endowment Insurance System Docking Based on the Migration Labor”: Economic Science Press, 2013.

 Wang, Yue. “China’s Population Aging and the Risk of ‘Middle Income Trip’”. Edited by Xueyuan Tian. Beijing: Social Sciences Academic Press, 2013.

 Wang, Yue. “Research on the Overall Development of Rural-Urban Social Security System in China Northeast Old Industrial Base” . Edited by Qingrui Liu. Beijing: Economic Science Press, 2011.

 Wang, Yue. “Review, Assessment and Outlook of China’s Social Security Reform” . Edited by Dasong Deng. Wuhan: Wuhan University Press, 2009.

 Wang, Yue. “International Comparison on Social Security” (Nationally Planned Textbook for "Tenth Five - year Plan"). Edited by Huaizhong Mu. Beijing: China Labour & Social Security Publishing House, 2007 (second edition) ,2013 (third edition)


Conference Papers

Wang, Yue. International Comparison of Elderly Care System Based on USA, Canada and Taiwan Experience. The 11th Social policy international Conference on Policy Orientation under the New Normal Economy –Society, Tianjin, China (July 2015)

 Wang, Yue. Comparative Analysis on the Expectation between Girl and No Girl Rural Family, Take Liaoning as Example. The Population of China society Convention on Economic Development and New Normal Economy, Sichuan, China October 2015

 Wang, Yue. Research on the Path for Docking Endowment Insurance Based on the Difference of Consumer Welfare. China postdoctoral international academic Conference on Northeast Asia Regional Cooperation and Comprehensive Revitalization of Northeast old Industrial Base", Shenyang, China (November 2013)

 Wang, Yue. Research on the Degree of Residents' Environmental Cognition Practice and Willingness to Pay on the Atmospheric Quality. China Environmental Science Institute Academic Conference on Innovation of economic policy facing 13th Five Year Plan, Yinchuan, China (September 2014)


Funded Research Projects

Project leader - " Research on Female Career Life Cycle Moves and Public Policy Orientation under the Overall "Two-Child" Policy

Funded by  National Education Department Social Science Project(2017-2019)

 Project leader - " Research on Female Career Life Cycle Moves and Public Policy Orientation under the Overall "Two-Child" Policy

Funded by  National Education Department Social Science Project(2017-2019)

 Subtopic Leader – “Research on the Population and Employment issues during the Revitalization of Northeast Old Industrial Base”

Funded by National Social Science Foundation of China  (2004 –2009)

Subtopic Leader – “Research on the Adjustment Index of Endowment Insurance in China”

Funded by National Nature Science Foundation of China (2004 –2008)

 Project leader– “Urbanization and Motor Vehicle Pollution Control Projects”

Funded by Environment Deputy of Liaoning (2012–2014)

 Project leader – “Research on the Coordinated Development between Population Quality Promotion and Religion Economy”. Adopted by Liaoning Population and Family Planning Commission.

Funded by Liaoning Social Science Foundation of China (2009–2012)

 Project leader – “Research on the Approaches and Countermeasures for Disabled Social Security System in Liaoning province”

Funded by Liaoning Education Deputy of Higher Learning Scientific Research Project (2008–2010).

Adopted by Liaoning Human Resources and Social Security Deputy and Liaoning Development and Reform Commission.

 Project leader – “Research on the Developmental Strategy of Talented Person of Modern Service in Liaoning Province”. Adopted by Liaoning Development and Reform Commission.

Funded by Liaoning Federation of Social Science Project (2008–2009).

Adopted by Liaoning Employment Deputy.

 Project leader – “Research on Population Aging and Modern Service Structure Adjustment in Liaoning Province”

Funded by Liaoning Federation of Social Science Project (2009–2010). Adopted by Liaoning Employment Deputy.

 Project leader – “Research on the Docking of Endowment Insurance System Based on the Urban and rural migration Labour”

Funded by Liaoning Federation of Social Science Project (2009–2010). Adopted by Liaoning Human Resources and Social Security Deputy.

 Project leader– “Research on the Proper Level of Endowment Insurance Based on the Multiple Old Age Support Model in Rural China”

Funded by Liaoning Education Department of Research Project (2013–2016).

 Project leader– “Research on the Current Situation, Standard and Countermeasures of Eco-Compensation in Liaoning Dahuofang Reservoir”

Project leader -"Funded by Liaoning Water Conservation Ecological Environment Protection and People's Livelihood Security Synergy Innovation Center Project (2014–2016).

 Project leader – “Research on the Development of Rural Endowment Insurance System and the promotion of Social Security Level”

Funded by National Social Science Foundation of China (2009-2013).

 Project leader– “Research on the Coordinated Development of Social Security Pooling in Rural and Urban China”

Funded by National Social Science Foundation of China (2012-2014).

 Project leader – “Research on the Income Distribution Index of Pooling Level of Endowment Insurance”

Funded by National Nature Science Foundation of China (2009-2013).