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CAO Fangfang

Date: 2020-07-14    Source: 

CAO Fangfang is a doctor of management and a lecturer at the Institute of Higher Education of Liaoning University.

Her main research areas are higher education management and research performance evaluation. Her main academic achievements are as follows:

1. The Path Choice of China’s Innovation and Entrepreneurship Model of Universities and Colleges: Based on the enlighten-ment of America Babson Commercial College.

2. A Comparative Study on the Assessment System of Scientific Research Performance of University Teachers in Social Science in UK and US.

3On the Subject Power Allocation and Its Operating Mechanism of Scientific Research Evaluation of University Teachers in Social Sciences.

4. The Model of Undergraduates’ Ability Training at MIT for China’s Enlightenment.

5.A Review of Scientific Research Evaluation for University Teachers of Humanities and Social Science.

6. Game and Fusion between Administrative Authority and Academic Authority within Chinese Colleges and Universities: Based on Perspective of University’s Essence.

The scientific research projects that she presides are as follows:

Liaoning Social Science Fund (Youth Project): Innovative Research on Scientific Research Performance Evaluation and Talent Management of Social Science Teachers in UniversitiesL19CGL001).

Main academic achievements:

The Path Choice of China’s Innovation and Entrepreneurship Model of Universities and Colleges: Based on the enlighten-ment of America Babson Commercial College.