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Date: 2021-06-10    Source: 

WANG Yu (1969-) is an associate professor, M.A. supervisor of College of Foreign Studies of Liaoning University, and tutor of “Three Mentors” Education Assistance Project of Liaoning University.


Education background

M.A., English Language & Literature, Liaoning University, China

B.A., English Language & Literature, Liaoning Normal University, China

Visiting scholar, Zhejiang University, China

Visiting scholar, Drury University, U.S.A


Working experience

English associate professor, Liaoning University


The academic interests and publications of WANG Yu focus on linguistics, cultural studies, intercultural competence studies, and classical mythology. She’s currently working on the studies of course-based political and virtuous awareness from the perspective of intercultural competence.

She has 2 major publications of books: Western Culture in the Mirror of Greek Mythology (2018); Greco-Roman Mythology for English Majors (2012), edits 2 teaching reference books, and participates in the compilation of 1 dictionary. She leads 4 research projects: 2 projects of Liaoning Social Science Association and 2 teaching reform projects at both university and college levels. She is a major participant of a project financed by The National Social Science Fund of China, and other research projects at both provincial and university levels. She has about 20 research papers, of which some are published in CSSCI journals and core journals such as Foreign Languages and Their Teaching, Foreign Language Research, Journal of Northeast Normal University, Journal of Liaoning University, and Journal of Liaoning Normal University.

Her research paper An Intercultural Analysis of Speech Reciprocity was awarded as the paper of the Sixth Annual Conference of the China Association for Intercultural Communication; Her reflection report On the Cultivation of Intercultural Competence in Foreign Language Teaching was awarded as the Special Prize and the Academic New Talent Award by The 2020 Summer National Excellent Foreign Language Teacher Development Forum hosted by Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press; The teaching reform program she co-authored, The Model of Reaching the Standard of Qualified English Teachers to Meet the Requirement of Nine-year Compulsory Education, won the first prize for the Research Achievement of National Higher Normal Education.

She won the Outstanding Instructor Award in the 6th CFCC Intellectual Economy Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition in Liaoning Regional Competition; the Excellent Instructor Award of the Third “Yixue Cup” National English Vocabulary and Comprehensive Ability Competition for College Students in 2020; the Instructor Award in Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition hosted by Liaoning University.

Her undergraduate courses include 12 courses such as Advanced English; Intercultural Communication; Intercultural Business Communication; European Culture; English Lexicology; Greek and Roman Mythology; Business English: An Integrated Course.