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FU Fengwen

Date: 2021-06-11    Source: 

Fu Fengwen is an associate professor in College of Foreign Studies.


Education background:

Bachelor Degree of English literature , Liaoning Normal University, China.


Working experiences:

English lecturer and associate professor in College of Foreign Studies.


The research interests of Fu Fengwen includes English literature, reading and writing.

Having been engaged in English teaching including listening, speaking, reading and writing for more than three decades, she has accumulated a great deal of experience both theoretically and practically, thus enabling her to cope with various situations in my professional career, owing to which, five academic papers have been published. From 2001-2003, she was also able to play a major role in a reform program on listening teaching practice. During the process, one influential paper was published in Foreign Language Teaching Abroad in 2002. At present, she has been working on the research on Basic English Writing, hence allowing her to apply for a research program on writing successfully which will last at least one year----from last December to the coming December. The project aims at solving students’ authentic problems---mostly critical thinking ability in their writing, which will be of great benefit to them in the long run. During the research, at least one paper concerning basic English writing teaching will come out.