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Date: 2023-08-21    Source: 

    Jiang Tao was born in February 1974 in Dalian, Liaoning Province. He holds a Bachelor of Philosophy, Master of Business Administration, and a Doctor of Law. He is the Dean of the Institute of International Education, Liaoning University. He is an Associate Professor, Global Career Development Facilitator, and a Psychological Consultant. His main research fields include International Chinese Language Education, Ideological and Political Education, Curriculum Ideology and Politics.

    He was a visiting scholar at Nanyang Technological University in Singapore. He has published papers in such journals as " Ideological and Political Education Research" and "Journal of Shenyang Normal University". He published a monograph Research on the Influence of College Counselors in the New Era (Liaoning University Press) and edited the textbook Ideological and Political Elements in the Chemistry Curriculum (Higher Education Press). He has won three Liaoning Teaching Achievement Awards.

    Research Projects include: "Exploration of the Path of International Chinese Communication with ‘Generation Z’ as the target Audience", project of Center for Language Education and Cooperation of Ministry of Education (130,000 CNY). "Ideological and Political Curriculum for International Undergraduates in the framework of ‘Telling China’s Story Well’ and Research and Practice of Teaching Materials Beauty in Liaoning", provincial undergraduate teaching reform research project (10000 CNY). "Study on the path of building and revitalizing the education industry for international students in Liaoning and Shenyang", university-level discipline construction project (200,000 CNY).