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ZHAO Chunqiu

Date: 2023-08-21    Source: 

    Zhao Chunqiu was born in 1975 in Xiuyan, Liaoning. She is an Associate Professor, Master Supervisor, and obtained her Master of Arts degree from Liaoning University. She is the Vice Dean of the Institute of International Education. From 2000 to 2001, she studied at Kansai University in Japan, and from 2005 to 2006, she was a visiting professor at Gangneung University in Korea.

    Her research fucuses on International Chinese Language Education. Since entering the workforce, she has published more than twenty academic papers, edited five textbooks and a monograph. She presided over two projects of Center for Language Education and Cooperation of Ministry of Education, three projects at the provincial level, four projects at the university level, and participated in several national and provincial projects.

    She was awarded the Outstanding Communist Party Member of Liaoning University, the Excellent Undergraduate teacher of Liaoning University. She has won first prize and second prize of the Undergraduate Teaching Achievement of Liaoning University, first prize of the Teacher Teaching Innovation Competition of Liaoning University, and first prize of Liaoning Province College Teacher Teaching Innovation Competition. Her courses are rated as model Ideological and Political Curriculum of Liaoning University and first-class undergraduate courses in Liaoning Province.