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Prof. LI Ying

Date: 2022-09-20    Source: 




      Prof. LI Ying, Ph.D. in management, is a second grade professor and doctoral supervisor. She is selected as “New Century Excellent Talents” of the Ministry of Education, Academic Climber of the provincial project “Elite Talents for Liaoning Revitalization”. She is currently serving as a researcher focused on the field of wellness tourism and tourist behavior. She has been engaged in information system development for over 10 years. She used to serve as Vice Chairman of the Society of Management Science and Engineering of China in Heilongjiang Province, and the Executive Director of the Heilongjiang Forestry Economics Society. Now she also undertakes the positions of Review Committee Expert of the National Natural Science Fund, and Doctoral Dissertation Random Inspection Expert under the Ministry of Education. 

      Prof. LI Ying has presided over 14 projects at national and provincial levels, among which three are National Natural Science Fund projects, and one is the Major Decision-Making Consulting project on provincial planning of philosophy and social science. She acts as independent author or first author of her seven published monographs. One of the work she wrote independently, Research on Residents’ Participation in Urban Ecological Civilization, was published by China Science Publishing and Media Ltd in 2013, and has been made additional printings for four times with a cumulative distribution of 5000 copies. She has published over 80 academic papers in journals at home and abroad such as Journal of Forest Economics, Forest Policy and Economics and Scientia Silvae Sinicae. Her research achievements won four awards at ministerial and provincial levels. She presided over one key project of Heilongjiang Provincial Education Scientific Planning, one general project of the “13th Five Year Plan” for Educational Science in Liaoning Province, and achieved Second Prize of Heilongjiang Excellent Teaching Award.