
Research on the Construction of Ecological Civilization System in China

Date: 2024-01-11    Source: 

Xu Lichao, School of Marxism

Abstract:In the 20th century, especially after World War II, with the rapid development of science and technology and the integration and globalization of the world economy, humanity created enormous wealth that was incomparable to previous historical eras. However, while humanity has made tremendous progress in material civilization, the blind and uncontrolled development of natural resources has led to increasingly serious ecological and environmental crises, even disasters. All of this forces people to further contemplate the relationship between humans and nature. In this regard, Western thinkers, especially ecological Marxists such as William Lewis, have conducted in-depth discussions and put forward many insightful views.

Read the article here:           莱易斯对人类控制自然观念的批判.pdf