
On the Construction of Ecological Civilization in China

Date: 2024-01-05    Source: 

Wang Yanming, School of Marxism

Abstract:In the mid-20th century, the serious threat posed by ecological degradation to human survival first emerged in developed capitalist countries. Without effective containment, it has now grown into a global ecological crisis. China, like other countries in the world, is facing ecological problems due to both its own historical reasons and the influence of the world environment. In the past, many regions, countries, and even the international community have updated their concepts, formulated policies, and taken measures to cope with ecological crises, but the results have been temporary and partial. This cannot be said to be unrelated to the lack of a correct worldview and methodological guidance. Therefore, in-depth research and comprehensive elucidation of Marx's thought on "the true resolution of contradictions between humans and nature, and between humans and humans", in order to maximize its resonance with the times, not only has theoretical value in seeking seclusion and exploration, but also has practical significance in solving crises and difficulties.

Read the article here:     马克思生态环境思想及其当代价值.pdf