
Analysis on Problems and Countermeasures of Ecological Ethics Education for Farmers -- Based on a Survey of Some Villages in Liaoning Province

Date: 2024-01-22    Source: 

Wu Shuang, School of Marxism of Liaoning University

Li Tianjiao, College of Marxism of Shenyang Agricultural University

Li Ming, College of Marxism of Shenyang Agricultural University

Abstract: With the comprehensive development of China's economy and society, the construction of rural ecological civilization has shown multiple, diverse and changeable mixed situation. Farmers are the main force of rural revitalization, the backbone of the construction of a new socialist countryside, and the construction of rural ecological civilization.

To carry out ecological ethics education in rural areas and cultivate farmers' ecological literacy is the reality of constructing ecologically livable and beautiful countryside need. Through the investigation of ecological ethics education activities carried out in some rural areas of Liaoning Province, the author examines farmers themselves and ecological ethics education. The problems in content, educational approach, educational environment and so on, from the mobilization of farmers to accept the enthusiasm of ecological ethics education, enrichment. And perfect the content of farmers' ecological ethics education, innovate the means and carrier of farmers' ecological ethics education, and improve farmers' ecological ethics education. In the aspect of environmental education, some suggestions are put forward to improve farmers' ecological ethics education.

Read the article here:            农民生态伦理教育问题及对策探析基于辽宁省部分乡村的调查 (1).pdf