
Research on the Construction of Chinese Ecological Civilization System

Date: 2024-01-16    Source: 

Meng Ling, School of Marxism

Abstracts: The good institution can accelerate the construction of ecological civilization, however, improper design of the system will be a serious impediment to the construction of ecological civilization. Since the third plenary session of the eleventh central committee, China has gradually established an government ecological administrative system and has made certain achievements in the construction of ecological civilization. However, economic and administrative management has not been effectively on the extensive mode of economic development, which leads many local government to one-sided pursue economy to grow, in order to go after economy grow at the price of ecological damage, and the ecological damage is becoming more and more serious, and more and more natural resources are used. In the face of such serious situation, China must strengthen our institution. Therefore, the report produced by the 18th national congress of CPC put forward clearly the proposition that is "to strengthen the system of ecological civilization". This paper tries to make a superficial interpretation and research on the system framework, the status of the system and countermeasures of ecological civilization construction.

Firstly, this paper discusses the research significance, research review, research methods, and possible innovations in the production. This thesis is divided into three parts to expound.

The first part introduces the overview of ecological civilization system construction, including the connotation of ecological civilization construction, system framework, function characteristics and significance of construction, in addition, summarizing the theoretical basis of ecological civilization construction, which is the Marxism about the ecology and system thought and the western ecological socialism.

The second part analyzes the current situation of ecological civilization system construction in our country, not only affirming its achievements but also seeing the shortage of ecological civilization system construction, and analyzes the reason for lacking of ecological civilization construction in China.

The third part puts forward the countermeasures of ecological civilization system construction, to further improve the legal system of ecological civilization construction, to adhere to the scientific legislation, to strengthen judicial justice system and to further strengthen law enforcement; build an ecological system of the market and improve the system of property rights and ecological environment tax; establish a sustainable system of government and policy and the comprehensive decision making system of three-in-one, to strengthen the ecological industry preferential system and the control system for a specific product demand and exports; increase the ecological civilization system construction of public participation system and further strengthen international cooperation in ecological civilization system construction.



Read the article here:                 我国生态文明制度建设研究_孟玲.pdf