
Thoroughly Implement the Concept of Green Development and Promote Ecological Progress in Urban Agglomerations

Date: 2024-01-19    Source: 

Wang Xiaoyan, School of Marxism

Abstract:In the report to the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, it was stressed that we should accelerate the reform of the ecological civilization system and build a beautiful China. As a new type of regional unit participating in global competition, urban agglomerations have received more and more attention for their ecological civilization links. How to better realize the "five-in-one" all-round development of urban agglomerations and better integrate the "green" development concept into the construction of urban agglomerations is the most important issue we should consider at present. All urban agglomerations must strengthen the comprehensive, systematic and holistic construction of ecological civilization in urban agglomerations, strive to achieve internal ecological modernization, take the road of green development, complete the all-round economic, political and cultural innovation within urban agglomerations, and create a good environment for the development of urban agglomerations, so as to achieve harmony between man and nature and realize the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.

Read the article here:            深入贯彻绿色发展理念推动城市群生态文明建设.pdf