
Research on China's Ecological Civilization Construction from an Asymmetric Perspective

Date: 2024-01-02    Source: 

Li Wenwen, School of International Economics and International Relations

Abstract:With the increasing global interdependence, the relationship between developed countries and developing countries is no longer limited to traditional fields such as military, economic, and political affairs. Ecological environment issues are becoming a new hot topic in international relations. Developed countries, relying on their own economic advantages and political influence, are in a dominant position in the formulation of international environmental rules, attempting to limit the development of developing countries through environmental issues. As the largest developing country, China must vigorously strengthen its own ecological civilization construction. Solving its own ecological problems is China's greatest contribution to solving the global environment.

Firstly, this article introduces the theory of asymmetric interdependence into the study of environmental issues, analyzing the asymmetric positions of developed and developing countries in the field of environment. Due to the early completion of industrialization by developed countries, they are ahead of developing countries in terms of economic and technological levels, environmental governance capabilities, and international discourse power. This asymmetric relationship has led to a series of differences in their views and positions on global environmental issues.

Secondly, this article elaborates on the evolution of China's ecological civilization ideology, from "environmental protection" to "sustainable development strategy" and then to "ecological civilization construction". China's understanding and exploration of ecological environment issues is a constantly deepening process. In an asymmetric environment, China's ecological civilization construction also faces many challenges. Within developing countries, due to significant disparities in their respective levels of economic development, interests, and greenhouse gas emissions, internal contradictions and differences have become prominent. However, environmental conflicts and competition between China and developed countries have been ongoing, and some Western developed countries have spread the "China Environmental Threat Theory", damaging the image of China as an environmental power; Setting green trade barriers to restrict China's economic development; It also transfers environmental pollution to our country, further deteriorating our ecological environment.

Finally, this article analyzes the path of China's ecological civilization construction. Starting from China itself, we must prioritize environmental protection in multiple fields such as economy, politics, and society, and increase efforts to promote ecological civilization construction. When coordinating relations with developing countries, China should strive to maintain a consistent pace with other developing countries, strengthen internal unity and solidarity. Only by working together can China take the initiative in negotiations with developed countries in the environmental game and safeguard the common interests of developing countries. China should strengthen communication and dialogue with developed countries when dealing with their relations. Combining the economic, technological, and environmental governance experiences of developed countries with China's population and resource advantages, leveraging their respective strengths, compensating for their own weaknesses, and ultimately achieving win-win cooperation.

Read the article here:              非对称视角下的中国生态文明建设研究_李文雯.pdf