Research on the development trend of the Arctic environmental soft law governance model

Date: 2024-01-01    Source: 

 Zhang Xufan, Law School   

Abstract: Arctic environmental governance is an important part of global cooperation in environmental governance and is of far-reaching significance to global environmental development and the survival of human living space. Soft law plays an important role in Arctic environmental governance due to its advantages of flexibility, professionalism and convenience. Therefore, as an indispensable part of the Arctic environmental governance process, soft law needs to be paid attention to and studied. There are three main trends in the future development of the soft law governance model of the Arctic environment: First, it may be hardened into an international convention or transformed into a country's domestic law to realize the "hardening" of soft law; Second, continue to maintain the model of soft law governance for a long time to maintain peace and stability of the Arctic environment; Third, the loss of the effectiveness that soft law should have led to the complete failure of soft law governance model and no longer play a role in governance.


Read the article here: 北极环境软法治理模式的发展趋势研究_张栩凡-2.pdf