Legalization of environmental protection limited production:Application, implementation procedures and regulatory measures

Date: 2024-01-03    Source: 


                                                                   Yan Hai, Law School

Abstract: In 2014, the "Environmental Protection Law" was revised, article 60 stipulates that environmental protection is limited to stop production instead of the previous deadline management, and then through the department supporting regulations and environmental protection the revision of the Separate Law on Environmental Protection has initially formed a legal standard system for limiting production of environmental protection, but there are many questions about the application, implementation procedures and supervision measures question. China should distinguish between the application of environmental protection to restrict production and stop production, but the individual laws of environmental protection should be unified and clear provide for exceptions to apply. China's environmental protection limit production should establish the pre-procedure, refine the deadline and improve the decision-making procedure, in order to perfect the implementation procedure van. At the same time, the main body of environmental administration has the responsibility to supervise the rectification of the pollution after the implementation of environmental protection limits and production, and should strengthen the supervision and dissolution of the order after the follow-up inspection, and the improvement of administrative penalties.


Read the article here:  环境保护限停产的法治化_适用情形、实施程序与监管措施_闫海-2.pdf