Enlightenment of the legal system of extraterritorial Marine ecological compensation to China

Date: 2024-01-12    Source: 

                                                               Li Rongguang, Law School                     

Abstract: China's current Marine ecological compensation system construction and practice are insufficient, through the comparative analysis of the characteristics of Marine ecological compensation system of typical countries outside the region, absorb the successful experience from outside the region, to provide reference for the improvement of China's Marine ecological compensation system. According to the legislative practice of China's Marine ecological compensation system at the national and local levels, this paper analyzes the current situation and shortcomings of legislation, introduces and analyzes the existing problems, and points out the problems that need to be improved in the main body, standards and methods of Marine ecological compensation system. This paper summarizes the shortcomings of China's current Marine ecological compensation system, and draws on the successful experience of foreign compensation system on this basis, and puts forward countermeasures that conform to China's national conditions in terms of clarifying the compensation subject, implementing the compensation standard and improving the compensation method.


Read the article here:  域外海洋生态补偿法律制度对我国的启示_李荣光-2.pdf