Vigorously develop biodiesel and effectively promote environmental protection: Prospects and development countermeasures of biodiesel industry

Date: 2024-01-17    Source: 

                                                          Hui Xiujuan, School of Environment

Abstract: As a renewable bioenergy, biodiesel has excellent environmental protection characteristics. The development of biodiesel and the implementation of a circular economy can reduce a series of environmental problems caused by fossil diesel; It will also be of great significance for China to implement circular economy and sustainable development, and improve land use rate. This paper focuses on the development potential of China's biodiesel industry and the countermeasures for the development of biodiesel during the 11th Five-Year Plan period.


Read the article here:  大力发展生物柴油__切实推...物柴油产业的前景与发展对策_惠秀娟.pdf