Study on the transformation mechanism of water pollution prevention model in China from the legal perspective

Date: 2024-01-19    Source: 

                                                                     Wu Ping, Law School

Abstract:In the face of the increasingly prominent contradiction between supply and demand of China's water resources, the Ministry of Water Resources proposed the concept of building the "strictest water resources management system" in 2009, and rose to the level of national management in 2011, forming China's current water pollution prevention model with government authority control as the main content. Since the revision of the Law of the People's Republic of China on Water Pollution Prevention and Control in 2017, China has readjusted the supervision of water resources, and the supervision mode of water pollution prevention and control has gradually changed to the mode of unified management of the water environment in basins and diversified cooperative governance. However, because the legal system is not detailed enough, the lack of relevant supporting measures and other reasons, the cooperative governance model still has many shortcomings, and it needs to be further regulated from the legal level.


Read the article here:   法律视角下我国水污染防治模式转变机制研究_武萍.pdf