The concept of "development" and the philosophical interpretation of environmental protection from the perspective of scientific development concept

Date: 2024-01-23    Source: 

                                                              Guo Lingling, School of Philosophy 

Abstract:  The issue of development is not only the theme of the times, but also the issue of the times. Under the influence of the traditional concept of development, there is a misreading of the concept of "development", resulting in the separation of development and environmental protection. Therefore, it is necessary to reinterpret the concept of development and make it clear that "development" is "overall development", "development is sustainable development", and "development" is development with value and modernity. In this way, we will reposition the relationship between man and nature, reposition people's responsibilities and obligations, and unify development and environmental protection from the perspective of the scientific concept of development.


Read the article here:    科学发展观视域中“发展”概念和环境保护的哲学解读_郭玲玲.pdf