Study on the Impact of Invironmental Protection Tax on HJ Chemical Industry Co.,Ltd

Date: 2024-01-11    Source: 

ZHANG Yinghui    School of Economics



Since the 1970s,China's extensive economic development model has brought serious environmental pollution problems, and the pollution charge system has failed to play its due role. The environmental protection law of the People's Republic of China came into effect on January 1,2018,and the sewage charge was replaced by the environmental protection tax.The general idea of environmental protection tax is to achieve a smooth transition from the sewage charge system, but the environmental protection tax has the characteristics of mandatory tax, the introduction of environmental protection tax will have a different impact on the enterprise behavior than the collection of pollution charge. In order to explore this influence from the micro level, this paper selects HJ shares as the northeast heavy industry base as the sample for specific analysis.

This paper consists of five parts. The first is the introduction, which describes the research background, research significance, research ideas, research methods, domestic and foreign scholars' views on the impact of environmental protection, as well as innovation and shortcomings article. The second part gives an overview of HJ's behavior and tax description, including the introduction of HJ's control structure, core business, basic tax and environmental tax. The third part analyzes the specific impact of HJ, which is divided into two parts: direct impact and indirect impact. The direct impact mainly analyzes the impact of environmental tax collection on HJ shares and its subsidiaries' environmental protection related situation and environmental tax related fees, while the indirect impact mainly includes the impact on the company's talent demand, R&D investment, cost and profit, and in the aspect of direct impact, the implementation of environmental protection tax improves the basic matter of HJ's environmental protection and increases its environmental protection tax expenses. In the aspect of indirect impact, the collection of environmental protection tax increases HJ's demand for talents and the amount of R&D investment, and also makes the cost growth faster than the income growth, and the profit decrease. The fourth part is the problems face d by HJ under the background of environmental protection tax Risks and challenges, first of all, the collection of environmental protection tax further aggravates the cost burden of HJ shares, and increases the difficulty of enterprise management of environmental protection tax; In addition, compared with similar enterprises, HJ shares has the problems of low education level of employees, less R&D personnel and R&D investment. Under the background of environmental protection tax collection, this will lead to the lack of development stamina of HJ shares, difficult to realize the transformation and upgrading of enterprises, and thus facing severe survival pressure. The last part is the policy recommendations, the paper propose the corresponding countermeasures and suggestions on the above problems and challenges, in order to effectively deal with the negative impact of environmental protection tax.

Read the article here:     环境保护税对HJ化学工业股份有限公司的影响研究_张英慧.pdf