Research on the decoupling relationship between economic growth and environmental pollution under environmental regulatory constraints

Date: 2024-01-16    Source: 

WEI Hongmei    School of Public Management


Abstract: Environmental pollution has long become a key issue of global concern, many countries in the process of economic development do not pay attention to environmental protection, in recent years, global warming, acid rain, ozone layer destruction, sea level rise and other global environmental problems are becoming more and more serious, at the expense of the environment and waste of resources to obtain rapid economic development, however, how long such development can last is a question worth thinking about . China is in an era of rapid economic and social transformation and upgrading, how to deal with the relationship between environmental protection and economic development, environment and ecological welfare improvement is a wide concern of the society and the government. In our country, haze has become a hot word, environmental pollution problems have begun to restrict economic and social development, reduce people's quality of life, and threaten the health of residents. In the face of the further deterioration of the ecological environment, the Fifth Plenary Session of the 18th CPC Central Committee put forward the core concept of "green development", which requires that we must change the mode of economic development and take the road of ecological civilization combining green production and green governance.  . Decoupling economic growth from environmental pollution is an inherent requirement for sustainable development and an important measure for ecological civilization construction and the construction of a new China. The effective way to realize green governance, improve environmental quality and decouple economic growth from environmental pollution is to implement environmental regulation policies or measures such as administrative orders and economic market. Environmental regulation is an important part of social regulation, which means that the government regulates the economic activities of enterprises by formulating corresponding policies and measures, reduces the negative externalities of environmental pollution caused by production activities of enterprises, and realizes the coordinated development of environment and economy. Focusing on the topic of whether environmental regulation can promote the decoupling of economic growth and environmental pollution, this paper focuses on the dynamic analysis of decoupling between economic growth and environmental pollution under environmental regulation, the spatial effect of decoupling between economic growth and environmental pollution under environmental regulation, and the threshold effect of decoupling between economic growth and environmental pollution under environmental regulation The basic conclusions are as follows :(1) the decoupling elasticity of economic growth and environmental pollution is convergent to their "steady state" goals; (2) The improvement of the intensity of formal and informal environmental regulations will promote the decoupling of industrial sulfur dioxide, industrial solid waste, industrial wastewater and economic growth, but will inhibit the decoupling of industrial smoke and economic growth; (3) There is a local spatial correlation effect between economic growth and environmental pollution decoupling elasticity. Spatial factors cannot be ignored when studying the impact of environmental regulations on the decoupling relationship between economic growth and environmental pollution in the central region. There is a significant positive spatial spillover effect between economic growth and environmental pollution decoupling in neighboring regions; (4) The improvement of environmental regulation intensity in the region significantly promoted the decoupling of economic growth from industrial sulfur dioxide, while the improvement of environmental regulation intensity in surrounding areas could not significantly inhibit the decoupling of economic growth from industrial sulfur dioxide; Environmental regulation plays no significant role in promoting the decoupling of economic growth and industrial smoke and dust in the region, but has a significant inhibitory effect on the decoupling of economic growth and environmental pollution in the surrounding areas and all regions. (5) There are significant differences in the economic development conditions of each region, such as the degree of nationalization, the institutional environment, such as the level of marketization, and the industrial structure, such as the proportion of pollution-intensive industries, which will affect the decoupling effect of environmental regulation on economic growth and environmental pollution. When the proportion of nationalization is lower than the threshold value, environmental regulations can significantly promote the decoupling of economic growth and pollution, while when the proportion of nationalization is higher than the threshold value, environmental regulations can not significantly promote the decoupling of economic growth and pollution. With the continuous improvement of the marketization level, the impact of environmental regulation on economic growth and pollution has changed from possible inhibition to promotion, and the decoupling effect of environmental regulation on economic growth and industrial pollution has become more and more significant. When the proportion of pollution-intensive industries is lower than the threshold, environmental regulations will significantly promote the decoupling of economic growth and environmental pollution, while when the proportion of pollution-intensive industries is higher than the threshold, environmental regulations can not promote but may inhibit the decoupling of economic growth and environmental pollution. The chapters are arranged as follows: Chapter 1 is the introduction. This paper mainly introduces the background and significance of the topic selection, research summary at home and abroad, research methods and research ideas, research innovation and shortcomings. Chapter 2 is an overview of relevant theories, mainly introducing environmental protection theory, economic growth limit theory, economic growth and environmental pollution decoupling theory, etc., which provides an important theoretical basis for the following research. Chapter 3 is about the status quo of economic development and environmental pollution, mainly from the regional level to compare and analyze the economic development and environmental pollution status and change trend in the east, middle and western regions. Chapter 4 is the calculation and distribution of decoupling elasticity between economic growth and environmental pollution. Based on the Tapio decoupling elasticity theory, this chapter calculates the decoupling elasticity of economic growth and environmental pollution in China and regions, and comprehensively understands the decoupling state of economic growth and environmental pollution in China as a whole, including the decoupling state of different pollutant emission conditions and economic growth, the different pollutant emission conditions and economic growth in eastern, central and western regions and 30 provinces Decoupling state. Chapter 5 is the econometric analysis of decoupling of economic growth and environmental pollution under the constraint of environmental regulation. This chapter uses the systematic GMM econometric model to preliminarily analyze whether the implementation of environmental regulations can achieve the decoupling between economic growth and environmental pollution, and discusses the impact of formal and informal environmental regulations on the decoupling elasticity of economic growth and environmental pollution respectively. Chapter 6 is the spatial analysis of decoupling of economic growth and environmental pollution under the constraint of environmental regulation. The classic "First Law of geography" points out that the observed values of economic or social variables of a region or geographic space have spatial dependence or exhibit spatial autocorrelation characteristics to a certain extent. In this chapter, the spatial error model (SEM) and spatial Durbin model (SDM) are used to analyze the spatial effects of environmental regulation on the decoupling of economic growth and environmental pollution by combining economic weight matrix and nested weight matrix. Chapter 7 is the threshold effect of decoupling between economic growth and environmental pollution under the constraint of environmental regulation. There are significant differences in the economic development conditions of each region, such as the degree of nationalization, the institutional environment, such as the level of marketization, and the industrial structure, such as the proportion of pollution-intensive industries, which may affect the decoupling effect of environmental regulations on economic growth and environmental pollution. This chapter uses the panel threshold model to investigate different nationalization degrees, different marketization levels and different pollution intensities The influence of environmental regulation on the decoupling relationship between economic growth and environmental pollution under the proportion of type industries. Chapter 8 is the research conclusions and policy recommendations. Based on the conclusion of this paper, we should improve the ownership structure and reduce the proportion of nationalization on the basis of strengthening the intensity of environmental regulation and optimizing the means of environmental regulation. Accelerate the process of marketization and improve the level of marketization; Optimize the industrial structure, reduce the proportion of pollution-intensive industries and other specific policy suggestions.

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