Optimization and Application of Environmental Asset Value Accounting System Based on SEEA-CF: A Case Study of Three Provinces in Northeast China

Date: 2024-01-17    Source: 

JIANG Yanyi    School of Environment



The establishment of the system and mechanism for realizing the value of ecological products is the key to open up the conversion channel from "clear water and green mountains" to "gold mountain and silver mountain". Therefore, relevant research is urgently needed to provide basis and suggestions for the establishment and improvement of the system. The realization of the value of ecological products cannot be achieved without the industrialization of ecological products, which cannot be achieved without the quantification of the value of ecological products. This paper proposes to quantify the value of ecological products through the accounting of environmental assets value. Taking the three Northeast provinces as an example, based on SEEA-CF and combined with the actual situation of the three Northeast provinces, an easy accounting system of environmental assets value is established. This paper presents the spatial distribution pattern of environmental asset value, analyzes the influence of factors that may affect the value of environmental asset (or part of the value of environmental asset) on the value of environmental asset (or part of the value of environmental asset), puts forward suggestions to improve the value of environmental asset, and then puts forward policy suggestions to further realize the value of ecological products.

The total value of environmental assets in the three northeastern provinces is 48.81 trillion yuan. In terms of regional distribution, the total value of environmental assets in Heilongjiang Province is 26.20 trillion yuan, Jilin Province is 14.07 trillion yuan, and Liaoning Province is 8.54 trillion yuan. In the value structure, the value of land resource is 33.39 trillion yuan, soil resource is 11.81 trillion yuan, wood resource is 1.87 trillion yuan, aquatic resource is 87.48 billion yuan, other biological resource is 1.10 trillion yuan and water resource is 547.799 billion yuan.

Through the fitting analysis of the factors that may affect the value of environmental assets (or part of the value of environmental assets) and the value of environmental assets (or part of the value of environmental assets), it is found that the land area and precipitation have a very significant linear positive correlation with the total value of environmental assets. Precipitation also has a significant linear positive correlation with the value of water resources and wood resources, but has no close correlation with the value of other biological resources. Population and GDP have no significant relationship to the total value of environmental assets, but temperature has a significant linear negative relationship to the average land value of wood resources.

Based on the above analysis, this paper puts forward some suggestions to improve the value of environmental assets: (1) do a good job in ecological compensation and develop environment-friendly industries; (2) Scientific use of environmental resources to promote the development of advantageous industries; (3) Strengthen water resources management and improve water environment quality; (4) Explore a more scientific and efficient development management mode to improve the development level of agriculture, forestry and animal husbandry; (5) Optimize the layout of land use, especially deal with the relationship between cultivated land and forest land; (6) To establish an environmental asset value database to provide basic data for further promoting the development of environmental resources; (7) Establish an assessment mechanism for ecological and environmental development and implement environmental development policies.

In addition, this paper also puts forward the following policy suggestions to promote the realization of the value of ecological products: (1) Deepen the understanding of "ecological products" and "environmental assets"; (2) Establish and improve a complete system of laws and regulations, supporting the relevant law enforcement system and technical equipment; (3) Implementing supervision work;(4) Set up intellectual and technical teams to timely respond to service demands; (5) The government should set an example; (6) Provide welfare policies.

Read the article here:    基于SEEA-CF的环境资产价值核算体系优化与应用研究.pdf