Research on Public Water Pollution Crisis Governance Based on Polycentric Theory: A Case Study of Yancheng Water Pollution Crisis Governance

Date: 2024-01-18    Source: 

ZHANG Mu    School of Public Management


Abstract: Since the beginning of reform and opening up, China's economy has achieved sustained high-speed growth, and its comprehensive national strength and people's living standards have been greatly improved. However, it cannot be ignored that the state of the ecological environment is constantly deteriorating, especially as the water resources on which human beings depend, are polluted in all kinds of ways, and increasingly become an important factor restricting economic development and affecting people's quality of life, and the resulting public crisis may cause social panic. It is reported that 60% of China's pollution incidents in recent years are water pollution accidents, so whether China can get rid of the dilemma of economic development and water environment deterioration in the traditional development model as soon as possible, and truly enter the road of sustainable development is a major issue in front of us. For environmental protection, water power and other relevant government departments, the prevention and control of water pollution incidents is a long-term task, and properly responding to and dealing with water pollution crises is a major challenge for them. Water is a public good, and it is difficult to provide water pollution control through privatization-market approach, and there will be a phenomenon of "free rider", and if the water pollution crisis is taken as the exclusive responsibility of the government (public sector), it will face "government failure". This is due to the expansion of the cost of government intervention in the market, the limited capacity of the government, the incomplete information, and the fact that government actions such as rent-seeking and corruption by government agencies and their officials do not always represent the public interest. It can be said that the government cannot be a sufficient condition for intervening in market failure, and the government may not be able to solve the problems that cannot be solved by the market mechanism, and even if it can be solved, it may not be better solved than the market mechanism. The market failure and the same government failure make us have to think about the logical origin and limitations of the traditional single-center market management model and the government management model, and study and explore the root cause of the public water pollution crisis-polycentric governance. As a new theory in the field of public management research, polycentric theory proposes a governance logic for public affairs that is different from the theory of bureaucratic administration. The greatest application value of polycentric governance theory in reality is to break the single-center government governance model and construct a polycentric governance model under the three-dimensional framework of government, market and civil society. Based on the polycentric theory, this paper regards the government, the market, and civil society as the indispensable main elements in public crisis governance, so as to play the role of various parties to achieve the pluralistic co-governance of public crisis. The problem to be solved in this paper is how to use the polycentric governance theory to construct a pluralistic co-governance network of water pollution control subjects. The paper is divided into four parts, the first part briefly introduces the research background and significance of the water pollution crisis, the research status and research ideas and research methods at home and abroad, the second part clarifies the concepts and characteristics of public crisis and water pollution crisis, focuses on the application value of polycentric governance theory to the management of public water pollution crisis, the third part analyzes the problems existing in Yancheng water pollution control and discusses its causes, and the fourth part puts forward effective policy suggestions for water pollution crisis control. It is proposed that the goal of water pollution crisis management is to minimize the losses caused by the crisis and achieve social harmony and stability.

Read the article here:   基于多中心理论的公共水污染危机治理研究_张慕.pdf