Information construction of environmental protection archives of heavy metal enterprises in Liaoning Province

Date: 2024-01-21    Source: 

CHEN Hongyu    School of Information Resource Management



The “14th Five Year Plan for the Development of National Archives” issued by the General Office of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the General Office of the State Council points out that “accelerating the construction of archives informatization, leading the modernization of archives management, and archives informatization construction is the key to helping improve the ability of archives governance and promoting the modernization of archives management”. The informatization construction of archives can optimize the archive management process, achieve the entire process of informationization management from generation, archiving, to information resource sharing, enhance archive service capabilities, and improve archive management efficiency. The management of environmental protection archives for heavy metal enterprises should also keep up with the pace of the information age and achieve a comprehensive information management model. However, currently, only a small number of environmental protection archives of heavy metal enterprises have achieved informatization, and most environmental protection archives are still in the stage of electronic and paper carrier management. The overall level of informatization of environmental protection archives of heavy metal enterprises is relatively low. Therefore, the informatization construction of environmental protection archives for heavy metal enterprises has a long way to go.

Based on the statistics of the number of heavy metal enterprises in production and closure in various cities of Liaoning Province, this article conducted a questionnaire survey on the information construction of environmental protection archives for 293 heavy metal enterprises in production in Liaoning Province; At the same time, an evaluation index system for the construction of digital archives was developed based on the “Guidelines for the Construction of Enterprise Digital Archives”, and a “Current Status of Digital Archives Construction” survey was conducted on 235 heavy metal enterprises in 9 cities in Liaoning Province using this system. Based on the survey results and subsequent field investigations of representative enterprises, the current situation of environmental protection archives informatization construction for heavy metal enterprises in Liaoning Province is divided into three stages: advanced, intermediate, and low-level. In the advanced stage, the environmental protection archives that have already achieved informatization are introduced, including the relevant institutional norms introduced by the country, the establishment of six information platforms, platform login paths, module systems, and the types of environmental protection archives for heavy metal enterprises they serve; Analyzing the reasons why environmental protection archives in the intermediate and low-level stages have not yet been digitized, it was found that there are four problems: low digitization of environmental protection archives information resources in heavy metal enterprises, inconsistent standardization, lack of professional teams, weak management awareness, and scattered collection and management. Meanwhile, based on further analysis of the questionnaire survey and on-site research results of heavy metal enterprises in Liaoning Province, neither the environmental protection regulatory department nor the heavy metal enterprises themselves have the conditions and ability to independently solve the four problems mentioned above. Therefore, the construction mode of environmental protection archives informatization coordinated by environmental protection authorities,heavy metal enterprises and heavy metal industry associations is constructed. Around the construction idea of this mode, it is proposed to vigorously promote the digitization of environmental protection archives of heavy metal enterprises, the introduction and application of environmental protection archives informatization construction standards and specifications, and establish a professional team for environmental protection archives informatization. Strengthen the top-level macro management system design and innovation management mode four solutions.

Read the article here:    辽宁省重金属企业环境保护档案信息化建设.pdf