Historical investigation on the "Sierra Club" of the American Nature Conservation Organization

Date: 2024-02-14    Source: 

JI Xiaolin    School of Economics

Abstract: The Sierra Club is one of the top ten major environmental protection organizationsin the United States and has been in existence for hundreds of years since 1892.TheSierra Club plays an important role in the cause of environmental protection in theUnited States.This paper focuses on the history of nature conservation in Sierra Clubfrom 1892 to 1970.The course of development of Sierra Club during 1892 to 1970 isdivided into three stages:The period of 1892 to 1914 is the establishment and earlydevelopment stage of the Sierra Club.The period of 1915 to 1945 is the stage ofdevelopment of the Sierra Club.The period of 1945 to 1970 is the transformation stageof the Sierra Club.Based on the records of the Sierra Clubs board of directors and theoral history of the Sierra Club,historical observations were made on the organizationalpurpose,leadersthoughts,and major activities of the Sierra Club in different periods.Onthis basis,the characteristics of the organization in different historical periods and itshistorical role in the conservation of nature in the United States are analyzed.This dissertation is divided into three section:introduction,text and epilogue.The section of introduction:this section involve overseas and domestic researchstatus of related issue.Moreover,it confirms research emphasis and introduces researchmethods.The first part mainly discusses the establishment and early activities of the SierraClub.The early activities of the Sierra Club were primarily to protect the YosemiteNational Park,carry out hiking programs and lead Hetchy Hetchys anti-dam movement.The club's early conservation campaign has accumulated valuable experience and lessonsfor conservation organizations in the United States and the national environmentalmovement.The second part examines the main activities and historical role of the Sierra Club inprotecting American nature during its development.The main activities of the SierraClubs development phase were the promotion of the establishment of resourceprotection agencies,the expansion of the California parks and the opening of mountainroutes in the Sierra Nevada Mountains.During this period,club leaders established closeties with government officials and businessmen to promote the California Park system.The third part examines the main activities and historical role of the Sierra Club inprotecting American nature during its transition period were to lead two battles to preventthe construction of dams in protected areas and to take this opportunity to activelypromote wilderness conservation legislation and national park conservation campaigns.In this stage,the purpose and protection idea of Sierra Club had been changed and thescale of organization had been expanded,but the club was faced with new challenges.The fourth part is an overall assessment of the struggle strategy of the Sierra Cluband its historical role.The conclusion part:Expound the inspiration given to us by the experience of theSierra Club.


Read the article here:       美国自然保护组织“塞拉俱乐...考察(1892-1970)_纪晓林.pdf