Research on the Moderate Level of Ecological Compensation for Water Source of Dahuofang Reservoir in Liaoning Province

Date: 2024-01-23    Source: 

LI Tingyu    School of Public Management


Abstract: For a long time, water, as an indispensable resource, has been concern of the whole society. But as the reason of natural geography, the protection of water resource exists many irrational phenomenon, such as “minority bear, majority profit; upstream beard own stream profit;, poverty-stricken area bear, well-off area profit.” Most water head of river basin cost the economic development and the profit of the local citizen to ensure the adequate supply of water for the downstream. It makes that the local citizen suffer privation during undertaking the social responsibility of protecting the environment. The Party Central Committee, the state council and each local government distribute some policies to distribute the benefit of natural resource and other relevant benefit of economic equitable. It strongly sustain mechanism of ecological compensation be set up reasonable.

Dahuofang Reservoir has been offering water resource for life and production of Shenyang and Fushun. After the Second stage of the Dahuofang Reservoir completed, it also serve 20 million people in Shenyang, Fushun, Anshan, Dalian, Panjin, Yingkou, and Liaoyang. As the major source of water for midland in Liaoning Province, Dahuofang Reservoir has significant position of Strategy.

The first chapter introduces the related concepts and theoretical basis, mainly introduces the theory of public goods, externality theory and the theory of ecological capital, and basis on the three theory to study on the compensation subject and there payment of the principal. The second chapter, analysis of the existing situation of Dahuofang reservoir and the current ecological compensation system, found the problem. The third chapter analysis the ecological value of Dahuofang The fourth chapter used the method of qualitative and quantitative calculation of first, Dahuofang reservoir suitable compensation interval, then according to the water quality, water supply, the current water price, compensation objects sharing coeficient and the repayment of the principal partition coefficient. Finally, according to the result of the research conclusion and the current problems and puts forward the corresponding suggestions.

Read the article here:    辽宁省大伙房水库水源地生态补偿适度水平研究.pdf