Research on Haze Management in F City from the Perspective of Gray Stoke's Governance Theory

Date: 2024-01-15    Source: 

LIU Shi   School of Public Management


Abstract: Haze pollution is a new kind of air pollution phenomenon caused by many physical and chemical reasons. Since 2012, a large area of China has suffered from haze pollution to varying degrees, which has had a negative impact on social and economic development, and has also damaged the physical and mental health of residents to varying degrees. Therefore, the control of haze pollution should receive great attention. Haze control is also a worldwide proposition, and Western industrial countries have also experienced the pains caused by haze in their development, and continue to explore ways to control. Some cities in our country have adopted effective technical and legal measures in the field of haze control, however, the means of governance should be explored and studied constantly in order to improve. This paper applies the governance theory to the haze control problem, studies the status quo of haze control in F city, analyzes the causes of the problems and puts forward corresponding countermeasures, hoping to provide some reference for the haze control problem in F city. The paper consists of five parts, the structure of which is as follows: the first part is the introduction, including the research background and significance of this paper, literature review at home and abroad, the characteristics and innovations of this paper and research methods, including literature research method, empirical and case analysis method, questionnaire survey and other research methods. The second part is about the definition of the concept and the overview of the theory, the definition of haze and haze control, and elaborated Gerry Stoker's governance theory, as the theoretical basis of the paper. The third part is about the explanation of the problems, explaining the general situation of F city, the haze weather and the status quo of haze control, as well as the objective problems in haze control, such as low information transparency, low satisfaction of citizens, small coverage of citizens' participation, and relatively backward management methods. The fourth part analyzes the causes of the problems raised in the third part, and analyzes the root causes of the above problems in government from the perspective of governance theory. The fifth part puts forward the concrete countermeasures to improve the haze control in F city. Such as strengthening the government information disclosure system, strengthening the degree of citizen participation, realizing the autonomy of multiple subjects and developing management tools to achieve scientific management.

Read the article here:    格里·斯托克治理理论视角下F市雾霾治理研究_刘湜.pdf