Empirical Study on the Impact Mechanism of Environmental Regulation on Industrial Structure Adjustment

Date: 2024-01-24    Source: 

ZHOU Jing    School of Economics


Abstract: In recent years, the contradiction between economic development and environmental protection has been very serious. In order to alleviate the conflict between the two, countries are actively formulating and implementing a series of relevant environmental regulation policies, so as to achieve the purpose of coordinating national economic growth and environmental protection, and thus achieve sustainable economic development. Since the reform and opening up, China's extensive use of resources has brought rapid economic development, but also caused environmental pollution and destroyed the ecological balance. The increasingly severe environmental problems have seriously hindered the sustained economic growth and the harmonious development of society. In order to coordinate the balance between economic development and ecological environment, the government has formulated and implemented a series of related environmental regulation policies and means. But in this process, the industrial structure of our country is also in the process of continuous adjustment and optimization of development. Therefore, will environmental regulations affect the industrial structure? This is the main problem to be solved in this paper. Firstly, this paper reviews the relevant literature about the impact of environmental regulation on industrial restructuring at home and abroad to find and determine the research Angle and method of this paper. Secondly, considering the indirect effect of environmental regulation policies on industrial structure, this paper analyzes the mechanism of environmental regulation on industrial structure from the two perspectives of technological innovation and foreign direct investment, and builds a mathematical model of the impact of technological innovation on environmental regulation to ensure the accuracy of the analysis. Then, from a number of angles to China's environmental regulation policy and industrial structure of the status quo and existing problems. Finally, using the panel data of 30 provinces and cities from 2003 to 2012, this paper empirically analyzes the mechanism of environmental regulation's impact on industrial structure, and draws research conclusions and puts forward relevant policy recommendations on this basis. The results of the empirical test show that: In the regression model established by the environmental regulation policy represented by the two indicators of environmental pollution control investment and Pigouvian tax, and the industrial structure index represented by the ratio of the output value of the tertiary industry to the sum of the output value of the primary industry and the secondary industry, the second term of environmental pollution control investment and pollutant discharge cost is introduced, which can be obtained through the fixed-effect model analysis. The influence of the second term of environmental pollution control investment on the industrial structure is significantly negative, which indicates that the influence of environmental pollution control investment on the industrial structure is inverted U-shaped, while the influence of the second term of pollutant discharge cost on the industrial structure is significantly positive, which indicates that with the increase of pollutant discharge cost, the change of industrial structure shows a U-shaped trend. This paper also analyzes the impact of environmental regulation on industrial structure by region. In the eastern region, the impact of environmental pollution control investment on industrial structure is more significant; In the central region, the impact of pollutant discharge cost is significant, but the impact of environmental pollution control investment is not significant. In the western region, the two kinds of environmental regulation policies have no significant impact on industrial structure. According to the conclusion of this study, this paper puts forward some relevant policy suggestions, such as optimizing the industrial structure, accelerating the diversified development of environmental investment and improving the environmental regulation system.

Read the article here:    环境规制对产业结构调整的影响机制实证研究_周静.pdf