
Three narrow band-gap semiconductors modified Z-scheme photocatalysts, Er3+Y3Al5O12@NiGa2O4(NiS, CoS2 or MoS2)Bi2Sn2O7, for enhanced solar-light photocatalytic conversions of nitrite and sulfite

Date: 2024-03-10    Source: 

Xue Ma, Chunquan Wang, Guanshu Li, Youtao Song, School of Environment

Guowei Wang, Siyi Li , Jun Wang, College of Chemistry


Abstract: A narrow band-gap NiS semiconductor like “conductive ladder” is inserted between Er3+:Y3Al5O12@NiGa2O4 and Bi2Sn2O7 to accelerate the electron transfer from conduction band of Bi2Sn2O7 to valence band of NiGa2O4. Er3+:Y3Al5O12 as an up-conversion luminescence agent (from visible-light to ultraviolet-light) provides enough ultraviolet-light for satisfying the energy demand of wide band-gap NiGa2O4. The prepared Z-scheme Er3+:Y3Al5O12@NiGa2O4/NiS/Bi2Sn2O7 composite exhibits a high and stable photocatalytic activity during conversions of nitrite and sulfite.



Read the article here:   137-Three narrow band-gap semiconductors modified Z-scheme photocatalysts, Er3+Y3Al5O12@NiGa2O4(NiS, CoS2 or MoS2)Bi2Sn2O7, for enhanced solar-light photocatalytic conversions of nitrite and sulfite.pdf