
Institutional construction and China's role in global environmental governance

Date: 2024-01-19    Source: 

                                                                                                                Li Shuyun

                                                                  School of International Economics and International Relations

Abstract: Global environmental governance has been accompanied by institutional construction since its inception. Global environmental governance is a gradual process, and relevant mechanisms are constantly developing and improving. International mechanisms empower global environmental governance, reshape national governance behavior, and provide institutional guarantees for the sustained and in-depth development of global environmental governance. Under the circumstances of the emergence of anti-globalization phenomenon, the expanding field of governance, and the escalating game between major powers, global environmental governance has exposed the problem of insufficient institutional supply, and the fragmented international mechanism has made up for this deficiency to a certain extent. In the construction of the global environmental governance system, China has experienced an evolution from passive participation to active contribution and then to active leadership. Climate change has increasingly become a hot issue of global concern, and China's role in global environmental governance more irreplaceable.


Read the full article here:       全球环境治理中的制度建设与中国角色.pdf