
Research on Energy Transition in Northeast Asia Under the Dual Carbon Target

Date: 2024-01-17    Source: 

                                                                                                               Hu Xinyi

                                                                     School of International Economics and International Relations

Abstract: Energy is a resource, an important foundation of the national economy, to be simply, energy is a material resource in nature that can provide some form of energy for human beings. From the era of firewood to the focus on coal, oil, and natural gas, the forms of energy utilization are constantly developing. With the continuous progress of the industrial revolution in human society, human development is constantly advancing under the impetus of energy transformation. The excessive exploitation and utilization of fossil fuels, the enormous pollution caused by greenhouse gases to the natural environment, and the increasing number of natural geological disasters such as global warming and extreme weather not only lead to global energy depletion, but also trigger extreme climate change, ultimately threatening human survival. To address the climate crisis, it is urgent to transition to clean energy, reduce greenhouse gas emissions, and break free from the energy consumption system dominated by fossil fuels. The United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, signed at the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development in Rio de Janeiro in June 1992, laid the legal foundation for international cooperation on climate change. Subsequently, the Kyoto Protocol, the Bali Road Map, and the Paris Agreement all advanced global governance, marking a new era of cooperation in climate issues facing humanity. Countries around the world have also successively formulated their own carbon peak carbon neutrality goals (referred to as "double carbon" goals) to reconstruct the energy consumption pattern dominated by new energy. Northeast Asia has important strategic significance in geopolitics and is also an important region for world economic development. The development of Northeast Asia not only has a significant impact on the Asian region, but also plays a crucial role in global development. In response to the climate crisis, countries in Northeast Asia have also successively formulated energy transformation goals and made certain progress in energy transformation. The energy transformation in Northeast Asia has seen new opportunities, but it has also brought new challenges. While Northeast Asia is moving towards the "dual carbon" goal, there are many factors that hinder the smooth transformation of Northeast Asia's energy. Therefore, how to actively respond to the "dual carbon" goal, seize the new opportunities of the "dual carbon" goal in Northeast Asia, and accurately respond to the challenges and challenges faced by Northeast Asia's energy transformation, The primary task for the smooth transformation of energy in Northeast Asia is to address these difficulties through transformation paths. This article will discuss and analyze from the following sections. Firstly, analyze the new opportunities faced by energy transformation from the perspectives of energy consumption structure, greenhouse gas emissions, and energy technology under the "dual carbon" goal, and analyze the new directions and goals of energy transformation in Northeast Asia based on the current situation of energy development in Northeast Asia. Secondly, by organizing and summarizing the energy transformation and development of major countries in Northeast Asia, the different challenges faced by energy transformation in Northeast Asia are analyzed, including dependence on fossil fuels, limitations of energy technology, policies and regulations for energy transformation, and the construction of energy cooperation mechanisms. Once again, based on the difficulties faced by the Northeast Asian region in energy transformation, combined with regional characteristics, suggestions are proposed to address the energy supply structure, energy transformation technology, and energy cooperation mechanism. Finally, predict the development trend of energy transformation in Northeast Asia in terms of energy structure, energy cooperation, and building a low-carbon society.


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