
Research on International Regime of Global Climate Governance of the Paris Agreement

Date: 2024-01-16    Source: 

                                                                                                               Zhang Qi

                                                                                                             Law School

Abstract: Global climate change is an urgent problem that is commonly concerned by the international community, Because of the emission of the greenhouse gases in modern times, the global temperature is rising. Consequently, the extreme weather frequently appears including drought and heavy precipitation, which does harm to the development of human society. The reason of global climate change is not only attributed to the nature itself, but also the activity of human during the industrialization. To deal with the issue of global climate change, counties come together and negotiate for a long time to sign a series of agreements to establish the international regime of global climate change to distribute the international duties to each country to help them to corporate in the operation of mitigation of climate change. Since the international regime of global climate governance is initially set up, the Conferences of Parties to the United Nations Framework on Climate Change (COP)worked together to facilitate the establishment of international climate regime and ensure it can be accepted by the majority of countries in the world. The international climate regime of the Kyoto Protocol does not meet the requirement of transition of international regime. Therefore, the international society agreed with a new climate regime, the Paris Agreement. After the second commitment period under the emission reduction commitments in Kyoto Protocol, the international society required the transformation of international climate regime to deal with the daily deteriorating global environment issues.

On one hand, the COP persist in the principle of “common but differentiated responsibilities" and agree to expand the area of emission reduction commitments for all the parties in the international climate regime of the Paris Agreement. On the other hand, under the international regime of the Paris Agreement, several systems are established to ensure the performance of the commitments to cut emissions. The “bottom up” structure is adopted in the international climate regime in the Paris Agreement. Intended Nationally Determined Contributions (INDC)in the agreement ensures counties to provide their emission reduction targets depending on their different developing levels which means compulsory emission target is not necessary. Moreover. The supervisory mechanism, for instance the global stock takes and reporting system on mitigation performance is established to promote the performance of the agreement. And the financial and technical system is strengthened in the international climate regime of the Paris Agreement.

However, the international regime in the Paris Agreement remains to be negotiated further. First, the content of INDC is intangibility. The method that countries autonomously declare their emission reduction targets needs to be governed by the international regime. Second, the financial and technical mechanism shall be specified in detail. At last, the specific clauses especially for damage need to be set up and improved in the further negotiation.

China seizes the opportunity in the transform of international regime of global climate change and endeavors to take part in the action of global climate governance. In domestic area, China aims to establish and develop the regulations of mitigation to achieve the target of INDC, the financial and technical system shall be established and improved. And moreover, Compliance mechanism shall be formulated to ensure the performance of the mitigation regime. China establishes and improves the internationalization regime together with other countries, putting forward to developing the equitable, effective and win-win global climate regime.


Read the full article here:       《巴黎协定》全球气候治理机制研究.pdf