
International Environmental Regimes and the Construction of Sustainable Security

Date: 2024-01-22    Source: 

                                                                                                           Dong Liang

                                                                  School of International Economics and International Relations

Abstract: International environmental regimes play an important role in dealing with the issue of climate change, sustainable security concept as a new security concept and paradigm for the establishment of the regimes of the new international environment and to overcome the collective action problem. The core concept of sustainable security concept: dispose of tools and strategies to adopt sustainable and fundamental global issues, rather than just deal with the external performance and crisis management.

A broader level, the climate change, competition for resources, the North-South issues and the proliferation of weapons are all sustainable security motivation. Climate change, which has been the scientific issues into one of the most important issues in international relations. Environmental cooperation and governance mechanisms from system construction to add a sustainable concept, and make sustainable security possible to achieve. Through the definition of the concept of sustainable security and discrimination, to explain the significance of sustainable security mechanism on the international environment, and promote the concept of evolutionary role in institution building, to achieve global environmental justice implementation and sustainable development strategies.

Evolutionary constructivism theory as an international political emphasis on the concept of role that the concept of internalization and dissemination of international norms, thereby affecting the behaviors of states. Thus, by the construction of the concept of sustainable security, it can promote the establishment and transformation of international environmental regimes, response to the human environment, promoting development through a sustainable manner.


Read the full article here:       国际环境机制与可持续安全的建构.pdf