
An Analysis on the Tendency of American Climate Diplomatic Policy in the Post-Cold War Era

Date: 2024-01-26    Source: 


                                                                                                      Song Junjun

                                                                       School of International Economics and International Relations                                                 

AbstractThe earth’s climate change produces profound influences to the development of human society. The growing greenhouse gas emission caused the continuous warming of global climate, the ever-rising of sea horizon and the frequent occurrence of extreme climate events, which were the principal factors to threat the national security around the world. Along with the improving importance of the climate change, climate diplomacy has been the key component and main issue of bilateral and multilateral diplomatic activities. The United States is the only superpower after the cold war, and the climate diplomatic policies of which has been the long-term focus by other countries. The tendency and adjustment of climate diplomatic policies of the United States make the noteworthy effects on changeable climate cooperation system of the whole world. The Obama administration transform the unilateralism taken by Bush administration on climate treatment into a way more pragmatic and moderate when he took over the office. However, no matter how deep the adjustment extent and large the adjustment range was, there is one thing will not change for American climate diplomatic policies, which was based on the realism theory of the United States, and started with the maximization of American national interests at any time, just the way they taken is more agile. This paper started with the clear out of climate diplomatic policies of previous American government after the cold war, and analysis how the presidents amended or inherited the policies make out by their predecessors. This thesis emphatically reviewed the diplomatic activities on climate cooperation by Obama administration, by which to analyze the intrinsic quality of every American president’s policy on climate diplomacy after the cold war, that is protecting the vested interest of the United States, striving for the leadership on climate change, and the adjustment of policies is on tactic for the need of strategy.


Read the full article here:       【气候变化】试析后冷战时期美国气候外交政策走向.pdf