Research On Shenyang Huachen Cineplex Marketing Strategy

Date: 2024-01-11    Source: 

Sun Lexiang, Business School


Abstract: “The Eleventh Five-Year period” is the period that Chinese film growing fastest in the history, the income of the National Film exceeded more than 10 billion Yuan, and the rate of increase is an average of 30%,The number of the national cinema growth from 1000 to 3000 from the year 2006 to2011,the number of screen is nearly 10,000,and the maximum annual increase of it is more than 40%.It can be said that the Chinese film industry  did  a  great  progress  under  the  exploding  economy  and  national  cultural development. China became the country has caught the attention of the world film industry. 

Accompanied by the intensification of market   competition, how   to   maintain sustainable and development, how to dominate the market through effective marketing   strategies is particularly important to the movie theaters. Especially in the case of China's   film distribution system is not yet fully market-oriented, theater in construction, the   introduction of technology, supply of the film, box-office profit sharing is very common.   To study theater marketing strategy, can provide a theoretical basis for theater growth   and sustainable development. To establish a unique advantaged competitive is the eternal   theme  of  the  theater  to   achieve  strategic  development   objectives, re-positioning  by   market  segments, to  take  a  series  of  marketing  strategy, innovation  and  optimization   initiatives, to   provide   a    solution   of   win   the   market    and   long-term   sustainable development for the theater,

In this article, the author use the marketing management theory, competitive strategy theory, using the method of combining theoretical and empirical analyze the Shenyang film market, target customers, competitive environment, the main competition in order to identify and analyze the problems of the current marketing strategy of Shenyang Huachen Cineplex. To explore the optimal adjustment to take a varied marketing strategies, to obtain the business location with their own development needs and core competitiveness, access    to    unique    competitive    advantage. The    main     content    is summarized as follows:

The introduction is topics of the   basis   of research, research   methods, papers, innovation, and limitations.

The   first   chapter   describes   the   the   Shenyang   Huachen   Cineplex's   business development, including the establishment of the enterprise, branch development, analysis of box-office revenue, and profitability.

The second chapter analyses the film market environment in Shenyang, including the pattern of development and competitive situation of the film market in Shenyang, through analysis the operate data and survey research of Shenyang film market find to out the development trend.

The third chapter summarizes the analysis of the problems of Shenyang Huachen Cineplex marketing strategy. Including vague market positioning, lack of marketing sense, single-price system, and service innovation is not enough, not strong operating characteristics of the issues.

The fourth chapter describes the marketing strategy that should be taken in Shenyang Huachen Cineplex. Including marketing segmentation strategy, pricing strategy, brand strategy, the characteristics of active policy, service innovation and differentiation strategy.

The fifth chapter: To shenyang  Huachen Cineplex marketing     strategy implementation of the stage, periodic, combination is analyzed to explain.

The sixth chapter is the concluding part of this article, the cake of the Chinese film market is still bigger and bigger, and the right marketing strategy for the Shenyang Huachen Cineplex has an important role. Developing the marketing vision, innovativing marketing ideas, and transmitting cultural values, to  open  up  the  development  of  Blue  Ocean will make Shenyang Huachen Cineplex and even long-term sustainability of the National Film enterprises of great significance.


Read the article here:           【可持续发展战略】沈阳华臣影城营销策略研究.pdf