Experience and Enlightenment of American Agricultural Modernization Development

Date: 2024-01-15    Source: 

Cheng Xiao, School of Economics


 Abstract: The construction of a modernized agricultural system is an important direction for the implementation of China's rural revitalization strategy and the solution of the "three rural" problem, but China's agriculture has long been in the predicament of being large but not strong, which seriously restricts the further development of China's rural areas. In contrast, the United States is today the world's most developed country in agriculture, in the construction of agricultural modernization at the forefront of the world, the leading position of U.S. agriculture thanks to the strong support of the policy, but also can not be separated from the vigorous promotion and application of modern technology. The United States agricultural development in the great achievements, but also appeared in the energy consumption and sustainable development problems. China's agricultural modernization construction should learn and learn from the United States experience, but also need to learn from the lessons of the United States in agricultural development.


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