
Exploration and thinking of regional public goods supply in urban agglomerations

Date: 2024-01-27    Source: 

Zhang Huaxin, Liu Haiying, School of Economics


 Abstract: With the optimal allocation and coordination of the functional structure and internal elements of urban agglomeration, not only the economy is integrated, but also the resource utilization and environmental protection are integrated, and the problem of sustainable development has become an important problem to be solved for urban agglomeration as a whole. The research shows that the supply of regional public goods is an important factor affecting the sustainable development of urban agglomerations. From the perspective of game theory, under the premise of Nash equilibrium, under the condition of sufficient supply, economic subjects consume less resources and environment, but gain more profits. It can be seen that increasing the supply of regional public goods is an effective way to solve the problem of sustainable development of urban agglomerations.


Read the article here:       102城市群区域公共品供给的探索与思考_张华新.pdf