
Present situation and sustainable development countermeasures of transportation in Liaoning Province

Date: 2024-01-30    Source: 

Lin Muxi, Zhao Deqi, School of Economics

Li Wenguo, Shenyang Ligong University

Wu Yunyong, Eastern Liaoning University


Abstract: In the strategy of "revitalizing the old industrial base in Northeast China", special attention should be paid to strengthening the construction of transportation infrastructure system, and transportation is the inevitable choice to drive the economic development of Liaoning. Through empirical analysis, this paper holds that the development level of transportation industry in Liaoning Province has become the "bottleneck" of the rapid growth of regional economy in Liaoning Province, especially the development of railway transportation industry is seriously lagging behind the growth of GDP in Liaoning Province. In view of this, Liaoning Province should vigorously develop the railway transport industry, give full play to the advantages of water transport, and actively and moderately develop road and air transport.


Read the article here:       121辽宁省交通运输的现状与可持续发展对策_林木西.pdf